Family Services The family is the "home base" both practically and psychologically. When there is tension or conflict in the house, the whole family is thrown out of balance. Whether it has to do with a rebellious teenager, differences in parenting style, problems specific to "blended" or step-families, or to trouble with the extended family, everyone suffers. When one person changes in a family system, it causes all the others to change as well. For this reason, family therapy can be a very powerful technique. At Wilmes-Reitz Psychological we have the ability to treat family members individually, as dyads, all together or in various combinations, depending upon the clinical indications. Family Therapy
Wilmes-Reitz Psychological 23945 Calabasas Rd., Suite 202 Calabasas, California 91302 (818) 591-8270 wrpsych@aol.com